Obtain a Criminal Records Check (Police Information Check)

The RCMP in BC, like all police agencies in the Province, provides one form of criminal record check. It is called a Police Information Check (PIC) .

The Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (or CCRTIS), part of the Forensic Science and Identification Services in Ottawa, also provides a product called a "criminal record check." It is available to individuals across the country and you do not have to go through an RCMP detachment to obtain one. This check is different from a PIC.

Although CCRTIS provides its own type of criminal record check, CCRTIS may also be involved in the processing of a PIC, where there is a need to check for pardoned sex offences as part of a PIC-VS.

B.C. Police Information Check (PIC)

There are two types of Police Information Checks:

  1. PIC - for employment or volunteer services that do not involve children or vulnerable adults
  2. PIC-VS - for employment or volunteer services that do involve children or vulnerable adults

To apply for a PIC or PIC-VS: