AOW - Article of the Week

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AOW - Article of the Week

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Articles of the Week | Vale Middle School

Views: 27529

AOW - Article of the Week

Articles of the Week | Vale Middle School

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Upgrade for Rounded Tabs!

Give your binder a touch of style with rounded tabs. Upgrade your account today to enjoy this simple yet elegant design change!

Unlock Advanced Sharing!

Upgrade to our Pro plan to keep your public binder from being spidered by Google.
Upgrade now to unlock "Anyone with link" sharing option!

Unlock Rename File!

Upgrade to our Pro plan to rename any file that you have uploaded to your binder on the Uploaded Files page.

Hide the URL displayed above the web content for a cleaner looking tab page.

Upgrade for Enhanced Document Privacy!

Lock your uploaded files to be viewable only in your private binder with our premium plan.
More Information

The LiveBinders free account only supports two levels of tabs. Upgrade today to add another row of tabs.

Want a clutter-free Option menu bar?
With an upgrade, you can hide items from the menu bar.

per editor/month or
$199.50 billed annually

Please log in or sign up to order Unlimited Binders
3 levels of tabs
Individual Storage
Storage of up to 50GB
File size upload limit of 75MB
Private UploadsLearn more about private uploads
Collaborator UploadLearn more collaborator upload
Rename FileLearn more
Email Binder IconLearn more <a href=email binder icon" />
Control Binder Info ViewLearn more about binder view info
Rounded Tabs
Download BinderLearn more about binder download
Hide URLLearn how to make your binder look cleaner
SEOLearn more about search engine optimization
Premium SupportLearn more about premium support

After you complete your order, click this button to reload the editor with your new features:

LiveBinders Professional Pricing
Please Pick an Option:

Cancel at Anytime

Private Uploads

Uploaded documents are not secured with the free service. With a subscription, document uploads are locked to a binder and not accessible outside the binder. Please see our document security page for more information.

Premium Support

We answer all support queries through email or twitter. Premium support guarantees a response to your question within 24 hours.

Collaborator Upload

Collaborators can upload to a binder owner's account as long as both the collaborator and the binder owner are subscribers.

This feature is useful for organizations and individuals who want to control a binder's content centrally.

Rename File

Upgrade to our Pro plan to rename any file that you have uploaded to your binder on the Uploaded File page.

Hide URL

Want a cleaner looking tab page? Upgrade to a Pro plan and hide the URL that is displayed above the content.

This feature is useful when you have mostly uploaded files in your binder.

Email Binder Icon

You can share your binder via email inside the LiveBinders system and we will send your binder icon to the people you wish to share it with.

Control Binder Info View

You can choose to display or remove views, rating, comments, and the link to featured binder from your binder when it is viewed.

You can choose to display or remove the url that appears above the content in each tab in the binder.

Manage Accounts Option

You can create new accounts, manage passwords, change email addresses on accounts, assign storage allocation, and view all binders/media objects for each user.

Group Access Option

Members can assign group access to binders known as "Limited" access. This is like 'private' access but accessible to anyone in the Organization without needing an access key.

Shared Storage Option

You can set up individual storage allocations for different accounts. Shared storage gives members in the organization flexibility as some members will use more storage than others.

LiveBinders always puts a link to any embedded content above the content which lets people open the content in a separate window. You can optionally remove this link with any subscription plan.

URL above content


LiveBinders are not indexed by search engines. With your subscription account, your public LiveBinders will be indexed by search engines automatically. For more information about search engine optimization, please see this page.

Download Binder

You can create an offline or archived version of your binder that will run without an Internet connection. Ideal for binders with uploaded files. Any web links in the binder will require an Internet connection to view.

Groups of 5+

only billed annually

Request Quote

Unlimited Binders
3 levels of tabs
Shared Storage
Storage options up to 1TB
File size upload limit of 75MB
Private UploadsLearn more
Collaborator UploadLearn more
Email Binder IconLearn more
Control Binder Info ViewLearn more about <a href=email binder icon" />
Rounded Tabs
Hide URLLearn how to make your binder look cleaner
Download BinderLearn more about binder download
SEOLearn more about search engine optimization
Premium SupportLearn more
Manage Accounts OptionLearn more
Group Access OptionLearn more
Shared Storage OptionLearn more

Private Uploads

Uploaded documents are not secured with the free service. With a subscription, document uploads are locked to a binder and not accessible outside the binder. Please see our document security page for more information.

Premium Support

We answer all support queries through email or twitter. Premium support guarantees a response to your question within 24 hours.

Collaborator Upload

Collaborators can upload to a binder owner's account as long as both the collaborator and the binder owner are subscribers.

This feature is useful for organizations and individuals who want to control a binder's content centrally.

Rename File

Upgrade to our Pro plan to rename any file that you have uploaded to your binder on the Uploaded File page.

Hide URL

Want a cleaner looking tab page? Upgrade to a Pro plan and hide the URL that is displayed above the content.

This feature is useful when you have mostly uploaded files in your binder.

Email Binder Icon

You can share your binder via email inside the LiveBinders system and we will send your binder icon to the people you wish to share it with.

Control Binder Info View

You can choose to display or remove views, rating, comments, and the link to featured binder from your binder when it is viewed.

You can choose to display or remove the url that appears above the content in each tab in the binder.

Manage Accounts Option

You can create new accounts, manage passwords, change email addresses on accounts, assign storage allocation, and view all binders/media objects for each user.

Group Access Option

Members can assign group access to binders known as "Limited" access. This is like 'private' access but accessible to anyone in the Organization without needing an access key.

Shared Storage Option

You can set up individual storage allocations for different accounts. Shared storage gives members in the organization flexibility as some members will use more storage than others.

LiveBinders always puts a link to any embedded content above the content which lets people open the content in a separate window. You can optionally remove this link with any subscription plan.

URL above content


LiveBinders are not indexed by search engines. With your subscription account, your public LiveBinders will be indexed by search engines automatically. For more information about search engine optimization, please see this page.

Download Binder

You can create an offline or archived version of your binder that will run without an Internet connection. Ideal for binders with uploaded files. Any web links in the binder will require an Internet connection to view.

Educators, students, and non-profits receive the 50% discounted price reflected below. After you upgrade, please fill out this form as proof of your education, non-profit, or certified status.

per editor/year

Please log in or sign up to order Unlimited Binders
3 levels of tabs
Storage of up to 1GB
File size upload limit of 50MB
Private UploadsLearn more about private uploads
Collaborator UploadLearn more about collaborator uploads
Email Binder IconLearn more about <a href=email binder icon" />
Control Binder Info ViewLearn more about <a href=email binder icon" />
Rounded Tabs
SEOLearn more about search engine optimization

Private Uploads

Uploaded documents are not secured with the free service. With a subscription, document uploads are locked to a binder and not accessible outside the binder. Please see our document security page for more information.

Premium Support

We answer all support queries through email or twitter. Premium support guarantees a response to your question within 24 hours.

Collaborator Upload

Collaborators can upload to a binder owner's account as long as both the collaborator and the binder owner are subscribers.

This feature is useful for organizations and individuals who want to control a binder's content centrally.

Rename File

Upgrade to our Pro plan to rename any file that you have uploaded to your binder on the Uploaded File page.

Hide URL

Want a cleaner looking tab page? Upgrade to a Pro plan and hide the URL that is displayed above the content.

This feature is useful when you have mostly uploaded files in your binder.

Email Binder Icon

You can share your binder via email inside the LiveBinders system and we will send your binder icon to the people you wish to share it with.

Control Binder Info View

You can choose to display or remove views, rating, comments, and the link to featured binder from your binder when it is viewed.

You can choose to display or remove the url that appears above the content in each tab in the binder.

Manage Accounts Option

You can create new accounts, manage passwords, change email addresses on accounts, assign storage allocation, and view all binders/media objects for each user.

Group Access Option

Members can assign group access to binders known as "Limited" access. This is like 'private' access but accessible to anyone in the Organization without needing an access key.

Shared Storage Option

You can set up individual storage allocations for different accounts. Shared storage gives members in the organization flexibility as some members will use more storage than others.

LiveBinders always puts a link to any embedded content above the content which lets people open the content in a separate window. You can optionally remove this link with any subscription plan.

URL above content


LiveBinders are not indexed by search engines. With your subscription account, your public LiveBinders will be indexed by search engines automatically. For more information about search engine optimization, please see this page.

Download Binder

You can create an offline or archived version of your binder that will run without an Internet connection. Ideal for binders with uploaded files. Any web links in the binder will require an Internet connection to view.

After you complete your order, click this button to reload the editor with your new features:

LiveBinders Educator Basic Plan
Available to verified educators/students, non-profits and Green Plus Certified or Certified B Corps*

Cancel at Anytime

per editor/year or
$9.95 billed monthly

Please log in or sign up to order Unlimited Binders
3 levels of tabs
Individual Storage
Storage of up to 50GB
File size upload limit of 75MB
Private UploadsLearn more about private uploads
Collaborator UploadLearn more collaborator upload
Rename FileLearn more
Email Binder IconLearn more <a href=email binder icon" />
Control Binder Info ViewLearn more about <a href=email binder icon" />
Rounded Tabs
Hide URLLearn how to make your binder look cleaner
Download BinderLearn more about binder download
SEOLearn more about search engine optimization
Premium SupportLearn more about premium support

Private Uploads

Uploaded documents are not secured with the free service. With a subscription, document uploads are locked to a binder and not accessible outside the binder. Please see our document security page for more information.

Premium Support

We answer all support queries through email or twitter. Premium support guarantees a response to your question within 24 hours.

Collaborator Upload

Collaborators can upload to a binder owner's account as long as both the collaborator and the binder owner are subscribers.

This feature is useful for organizations and individuals who want to control a binder's content centrally.

Rename File

Upgrade to our Pro plan to rename any file that you have uploaded to your binder on the Uploaded File page.

Hide URL

Want a cleaner looking tab page? Upgrade to a Pro plan and hide the URL that is displayed above the content.

This feature is useful when you have mostly uploaded files in your binder.

Email Binder Icon

You can share your binder via email inside the LiveBinders system and we will send your binder icon to the people you wish to share it with.

Control Binder Info View

You can choose to display or remove views, rating, comments, and the link to featured binder from your binder when it is viewed.

You can choose to display or remove the url that appears above the content in each tab in the binder.

Manage Accounts Option

You can create new accounts, manage passwords, change email addresses on accounts, assign storage allocation, and view all binders/media objects for each user.

Group Access Option

Members can assign group access to binders known as "Limited" access. This is like 'private' access but accessible to anyone in the Organization without needing an access key.

Shared Storage Option

You can set up individual storage allocations for different accounts. Shared storage gives members in the organization flexibility as some members will use more storage than others.

LiveBinders always puts a link to any embedded content above the content which lets people open the content in a separate window. You can optionally remove this link with any subscription plan.

URL above content


LiveBinders are not indexed by search engines. With your subscription account, your public LiveBinders will be indexed by search engines automatically. For more information about search engine optimization, please see this page.

Download Binder

You can create an offline or archived version of your binder that will run without an Internet connection. Ideal for binders with uploaded files. Any web links in the binder will require an Internet connection to view.

After you complete your order, click this button to reload the editor with your new features:

LiveBinders Educator Pro Plan
Available to verified educators/students, non-profits and Green Plus Certified or Certified B Corps*