Contract Termination Sample Clauses

Contract Termination debarment. A breach of the contract clauses in 29 CFR 5.5 may be grounds for termination of the contract, and for debarment as a contractor and a subcontractor as provided in 29 CFR 5.12.

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Contract Termination. If at any time during the term hereof, XXXXX reasonably concludes that the solvency or financial condition of OWNERS is threatened it may, in its sole discretion, cancel this contract, such cancellation to take effect immediately upon receipt by OWNERS of email or other written notification thereof. If, subsequent to cancelation, OWNERS provide to XXXXX evidence concerning their ability to meet their current and future financial obligations, XXXXX may, in its sole discretion, elect to reinstate this contract effective upon receipt by OWNERS of email or other written notification thereof.

Contract Termination. This contract may be terminated, in whole or in part, by Forest Service or Purchaser, as provided in Items BT8.341 and BT8.342, respectively. In the event of any such termination, Purchaser shall be entitled to the applicable remedies, subject to the limitation upon duplicative compensation set forth in BT8.33(d). Purchaser agrees that this Subsection, and the remedies contained in the following Items shall apply regardless of any finding by any court or administrative body that the Forest Service failed to comply with any statute, regulation and/or policy in connection with awarding, advertising, or authorizing this sale, or a similar sale. However, nothing in this Subsection precludes Purchaser from exercising rights under the Contract Disputes Act.

Contract Termination. (a) The Chief or the Chief’s designee may unilaterally terminate this contract, in whole or in part, for any of the reasons set forth in paragraph (a) of I.3.3.

Contract Termination. The Department may terminate the Contract if the Contractor: 1.) fails to comply with all terms and conditions of this Contract; 2.) fails to produce each deliverable within the time specified by the Contract; or, 3.) fails to abide by any statutory, regulatory, or licensing requirement. Rule 60A- 1.006(3), Florida Administrative Code, governs the procedure and consequences for default. The rights and remedies of the Department in this clause are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the Contract. Upon receipt of notice of termination, the Contractor shall, unless the notice directs otherwise, immediately discontinue all activities authorized hereunder. The Contractor shall not be entitled to recover any cancellation charges or lost profits. (Reference section 4.4, Financial Consequences)

Contract Termination. 3.9.1 If HHSC determines LIDDA is unable or unwilling to fulfill any of its requirements under this Contract to ensure the provision of services or exercise adequate control over expenditures or assets, HHSC may initiate termination of this Contract in whole or in part, as follows:

Contract Termination. This Contract will terminate:

Contract Termination. In the event the Superintendent violates any of the provisions of this Contract or performs any act or does anything which is materially harmful to the District, or which substantially inhibits the Superintendent's ability to discharge the duties as set forth herein, including, but not limited to (1) becoming legally disqualified to perform as a superintendent in the State of Nebraska; (2) participation in any fraud; (3) causing any intentional damage to school property; (4) engaging in any unlawful act; (5) any representations in this Contract being determined to be false or incorrect; (6) failure to return a Renewal Agreement by the required date, provided that such date not be prior to March 15 of the final year of the Contract or any extension of the Contract term; and (7) just cause, including: (a) incompetency, which includes, but is not limited to, demonstrated deficiencies or shortcomings in knowledge of subject matter or teaching or administrative skills; (b) neglect of duty; (c) Unprofessional conduct; (d) insubordination; (e) immorality; (f) physical or mental incapacity; (g) failure to give evidence of professional growth as required by law; or (h) other conduct which interferes substantially with the continued performance of duties; then the Superintendent may be discharge in accordance with applicable law. Contract amendment, cancellation or termination may occur due to a reduction in force. Suspension or other disciplinary action may be enforced in accordance with applicable law. Upon lawful termination of this Contract for any reason, the compensation to be paid hereunder shall be an amount which bears the same ratio to the annual salary specified as the number of months or fraction thereof to the date such termination bears to the twelve months in the annual salary period in which termination occurs. Any portion of the salary paid, but not earned, prior to the date of termination of this Contract, and any sums owing to the District by the Superintendent, shall be set off from sums due to the Superintendent and, if the sums owing to the District are in excess of the sums due the Superintendent, the amount owing shall be immediately refunded by the Superintendent. The Board of Education may require a certificate of health and physical fitness of Superintendent in accordance with applicable law at any time while this Contract is in force. Should the Superintendent be unable to perform the Superintendent's duties by reason of mental or physica.

Contract Termination. 16. Xxxxxx, its Beneficiaries, and the Department each reserve the right to unilaterally terminate this Contract by giving thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other party. Termination shall be subject to the following:

Contract Termination. If Contractor fails to perform any one of its obligations under this Contract, it will be in default and the State may terminate this Contract in accordance with this section. The termination will be effective on the date delineated by the State.