(i) (a) WAPDA employees will normally apply against the Government posts advertised by the Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment Corporation :

(b) They can also apply for posts with Government

controlled organizations advertised even by private recruiting agencies.

They will also be eligible to apply for posts advertised by the GovernmenVSemi Government Departments and Autonomous Bodies.

An employee who receives a direct offer from a GovernmenU Semi Government department; or

An Autonomous Body can also be allowed deputation abroad.

WAPDA employee shall be eligible to apply for deputation with Engineering Consultants in abroad having no contractual affiliation with WAPDA.

(ii) (a). Generally, WAPDA employee

may seek employment in private organizations abroad * amended vide o/o No. 24849-25033 dated 22.06.2000

(b). The Authority may consider a request for deputation strictly

lf the request is not accepted, then the employee will resign from WAPDA service;

lts acceptance will not be delayed or withheld unreasonably by the competent authority.

** Competent Authorities Request for deputation shall be fonrvarded through proper channel. Permission to fonarard applications and approval of deputation abroad will

be given by the following officers less private organization keeping in view

the availability of the employee and the interest of Authority. However, extension in deputation beyond 5 years will be granted by respective ***

competent authorities given below whereas cases of deputation with private organization / firms will be dealt with as per Para - 1 (2) above.

For employees in BS-1 to

Following will be the sanctioning authority in respect of employees.

For Power Wing GM (Hydel) for al! Hydel/Power Wing WAPDA Employees. For Water Wing GM (C&M) WaterCoord & lVlonitoring) through CE (Admn) Water

Remaining employees belonglng to Common Services etc: GM (Admn) through DG (S&cA) Company Employees (BPS 1-17)

CEO of the company for

Respective Member/Managing through Career ltlanagement Cell.

BS-17,19 & 1g Amended vide o/o No. 24843-25033 dated 22.06.2000. ** Amended vide o/o No.37735-964 dated 15.10.2005.

officers working on the posts carrying and a bove

Chairman WAPDA through General Manager (Admn) and concerned Member.

Eligibility and Deputation Period

A. (i) (ri) (iii) (iv) B. * D.

Employees with bad service record (mentioned below) will not be considered for deputation abroad: No enquiry is pending No penalty under Removal from Service Special Powers 2000 Ordinance has been imposed on him during last 5 years less minor penalty of "Censure" No adverse remarks have been communicated in the ACR during last 5 years.

Employees with less than two years of service or on probation shall not be eligible to apply for deputation. The maximum period for deputation abroad is 10 years.

Employees who have been on deputation abroad shall not be eligible for deputation again unless they put in 3 years service after their repatriation from foreign service.

The employee who has executed a bond for a specified period shall not be eligible to apply for deputation abroad before he has rendered the minimum service prescribed in the bond. However, where an employee wants to go on deputation abroad during the bond period, his case may be considered provided the bond money is paid for the remaining bond period on prorata basis. No more than at a time.

of Engineers in a pay scale to be on deputation

Ordinarily employee allowed deputation will not change the firm organization. However in case of change the firm / organization employee will intimate and refer the case to respective competent authority for regularization of the same.

Amended vide o/o No. 55290490 dated 11.10.2004. Amended vide o/o No.24843-25033 dated 22.06.2000.

Seniority and Promotion

A WAPDA employee on deputation abroad will be considered for promotion only after he resumes duty on return to WAPDA and earns a Confidential Report for full on year. An employee who is falling within promotion zone, will be given due intimation to return to WAPDA, so that he can earn at least one full year Confidential Report of his work and conduct before his case came up for consideration by the respective Selection Board Confidential Reports of employees for the period they remain on deputation to the foreign Govt./lnternational Agencies etc. will not be called and the work and performance of such employees will be deemed to be good as long they continue to work in these organization.

lf an employee returns to WAPDA, he will be considered for promotion in normal course. lf he does not return in response to an intimation by WAPDA, his case will be deferred till he returns to WAPDA on completion of 5 years, and earns Confidential Report on his work and conduct for full one year after he resumes duty. lf approved for promotion, he will regain his original seniority. ln case where foreign deputation had been allowed for more than 5 years, the employee's name was to be removed from the existing seniority list and placed on a separate static list with no claim of promotion or to seniority over his junior who may have been promoted during that period. The name of such an employee would be brought back on the seniority list only after the employee resumes duty on return. ln such cases, the employee must earn a Confidential Report for one full year before he is considered for

lf approved for promotion,

he will not regain

seniority. He will be assigned seniority in the higher post only from the date he assumes its charge. *5

Other Conditions A. Employees on deputation shall resume duty at the end of the approved deputation period. They shall be warned by respective Wings of WAPDA for their repatriation before the expiry of their approved deputation period. The employees who fail to report back on completion of their initially approvediextended period of deputation shall render themselves liable to action under Removal From Service (Special Powers) Ordinance 2000.

WAPDA employees will be paid salary by the Authority till the date they are relieved for proceeding on deputation and with effect from the date they report back for duty.

During the period of deputation, the WAPDA employees wiil not be

Amended vide o/o No.27327-470 dated 18.08.2008 entitled to medical facilities in respect of themselves and family members at the expense of WAPDA.

Borrowing organization/departments or the employee shall pay remit the pension contribution, EPF/GPF, WWF and GLI (if applicable) for the period of deputation on yearly basis at the salary admissible to the employee in WAPDA. The contribution will be paid in the currency in which the employee draws his salary abroad after one year borrowing agency shall certify that the employee is still working in the same organization.

ln addition to contribution mentioned in sub para -D above, the employee concerned shall pay an amount in foreign currency in which he is receiving salary equivalent to U.S. Dollars given below per month for an initial period of two years. After the date, the rate of the same shall be increased as given below: Rate of employees on Rate of employees on deputation abroad with deputation abroad private Govt. Organizations i.e. with

other than private

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)

BPS-18&above BPS-17 BPS-16 BPS-15 BPS-14 BPS-11- 13 Others

US$ 75lUS$ 68/US$ 60/US$ 53/US$ 45/US$ 3B/US$ 30/-


US$ 113/- PM US$ 101/- PM US$ 90/- PM US$ 79/- PM US$ 68/- PM US$ 56/- PtV US$ 45/- PfM

3'd Year 4th Year 5tt' Year 6th Year 7th Year 8th Year

Year 1Oth Year 11'h year onward

Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount

of 2nd Year + 05% of 3'd Year + 05o/o of 4th Year + 05o/o of Sth Year + 10o/o of 6th Year + 10o/o of 7th Year + 10o/o of 8th Year + 10% of 9th Year + 10% of 1Oth Year + 20o/o

The above amount shall be remitted to the General N/anager (Finance)/(Accounts), Director Budget & Accounts by the 15th of each month. The employee who fails to remit the same for a period of three consecutive months, his deputation shall be

liable to be cancelled and be directed to report back for duty in WAPDA. ln case he fails to report back for duty, necessary disciplinary action under Removal from Service Special Powers Ordinance shall be initiated against him. * Amended vide o/o No. 22733-933 dated 16.04.2004.

The leave terms of the employee during the period of his deputation will be regulated according to the rules of, or the terms and conditions offered by, the borrowing government/ Organization. Leave salary due in respect of such leave will be payable by the borrowing Government or Organization to the person concerned.

No part of leave earned by him during the period of foreign service will be credited to his leave account with WAPDA nor will any liability in respect of leave salary on account of such leave devolve on WAPDA. WAPDA wil! not recover any leave salary contribution from the borrowing GovernmenV Organization or the employee.

On the expiry of approved deputation period, the employee will report his arrival in WAPDA and a certificate will be obtained within period of one month from the concerned General lVanager (Finance)/(Accounts), Director Budget & Accounts to the effect that pension contribution, EPF/GPF, WWF and GLI (if applicable) has been paid in full by the employee and issuance of this certificate will not be delayed by the concerned Accounts formation.

H. The employees who have been allotted WAPDA/Acquired accommodation will be required proceeding on deputation.

to vacate the same before

During the period of deputation, the WAPDA employees will not be entitled to free supply of electricity.

Deputation reserved posts to be created in order to enable recruitment (on contract) against the vacancies created in each grade.

WAPDA employees will be allowed deputation within the country against posts with the:

Government Department Semi Government Departments Autonomous Bodies; and WAPDA Consultants

Deputation to private organizations within country will not be

allowed. However, Authority may consider such cases on individual merit. Further extension beyond 3 years may be granted by Member concerned. Amended vide office order No.38841-39015 dated 24.10.2001.

be fonvarded through proper channel.

Permission to fonrvard applications and approval of deputation will be given by the following competent authorities keeping in view the sparability of the employee and the interest of the Authority.

For employees in BS-1 to

Following will be the sanctionrng authority in respect of employees:

For Power Wing GM (C&tt/) Power through CE (Admn) Power For Water Wing GM (Coord & [\4onitoring) through CE (Admn) Water

Remaining employees belonging to Common Services etc: GM (Admn) through DG (S&cA) Company Employees (BPS 1-17)

CEO of the company for

Respective lVlember / lt/anaging Directors through respective CM Cell.

(iii) For officers Chairman WAPDA through General Manager working on the (Admn) and concerned Member. posts carrying BS-20 and above

Eligibility and Deputation Period

Employees with bad service record will not be considered for deputation i.e.:

No enquiry is pending

No penalty under E&D Rules has been imposed on him during last 5 years less minor penalty of "Censure". No adverse remarks have been communicated in the ACR during last 5 years.

WAPDA employees with less than two years of service probation shall not be eligible to apply for deputation.

Deputation within the country will be allowed to WAPDA employees

for an initial period of three years extendable upto a maximum period of 5 years with the approval of the competent authority. D

Employees who have been on deputation within the country shall not be eligible for deputation again unless they serve WAPDA for 3 years after their repatriation.

The employee who has executed a bond for a specified period shall be eligible to apply for deputation within the country under any local organization before he has rendered the minimum service prescribed in the bond. However, such employees shall be eligible for deputation with NEPRA, PPIB, Planning Division and Ministry of Water & Power.

Seniority and Promotion A

A WAPDA employee on deputation within the country, who is falling within the promotion zone, will be given due intimation and asked to return to WAPDA well before his case comes up for consideration for promotion. He will be considered for promotion by the respective Selection Board in accordance with his position in

the seniority list and also with reference to the work

and conduct/ACRs in the borrowing department. The actual promotion will take place enly when he rejoins WAPDA. Notwithstanding this

provision, proforma promotion (promotion in absentia) may be allowed to such an employee, if his junior is promoted in WAPDA and the employee's retention on deputation within Pakistan, is considered to be in the interest of the work. B

After five years cf deputation, the borrowing agencies/departments shall be advised within reasonable time to arrange for absorption of the deputationist, provided he also opts so, and the lien with WAPDA shall be terminated. lf he is unwilling to do so the deputationist will be invariably recalled. However, it will be the duty of borrowing agency to repatriate the employee.

A fiT*I"ff ;: 333'ff:l'.],'lll,,ff e"'ffi:';:? #;iL" i:ll"il

by respective Wings of WAPDA for their repatriation before the expiry of their deputation. The employees who fail to report back on completion of their initially approved/extended period of deputation

*Amended vide o/o No.27327470 dated 18.08.2008

shall render themselves liable to action under Removal From Service (Special Powers) Ordinance 2000. B

Employees will be paid salary by the Authority till the date they are relieved for proceeding on deputation and with effect from the date they report back for duty.

During the period of deputation, the employees will not be entitled to medica! facilities in respect of themselves and family members at the expense of WAPDA.

Borrowing organization/departments or the employee shall remit the pension contribution, EPF/GPF, \ A|/F and GLI (if applicable) for the period of deputation on yearly basis at the salary admissible to the employee in WAPDA after one year borrowing agency shall certify that the employee is still working in the same organization.

The leave term of the employee during the period of his deputation will be regulated according to the rules of, or the borrowing terms and conditions offered by, GovernmenUOrganization. Leave salary due in respect of such leave will be payable by the borrowing Government or Organization to the person concerned.

No part of leave earned by him during the period of foreign service (deputation) within the country will be credited to his leave account with WAPDA nor will any liability in respect of

leave salary on account of such leave will devolve on WAPDA. WAPDA will not recover any leave salary

contribution from the borrowing GovernmenUOrganization or the employee. F

On the expiry of approved deputation period, the employee will report his arrival in WAPDA and a certificate will be obtained within a period of one month from the concerned General Manager (Finance)/Director Budget & Accounts to the effect that pension contribution, EPF/GPF, \A ruF and GLI has been paid in full by the foreign employer. And issuance of this certificate will not be delayed by the concerned Accounts formation.

The employees who have been allotted WAPDAlacqufied accommodation will be required to vacate the same ,before proceeding on deputation.

During the period

deputation within country, the WAPDA

employee will be entitled to free supply of electricity upto the, eXent

prescribed by the Authority and borrowing agency. t.

An employee on deputation within country who is due to retire from service either on completion of 31 years of qualifying service or on attaining the age of superannuation, may draw the encashment of LPR from borrowing organization, if he continues to work during the whole period of LPR/last year of his service, without repatriation of his services.

The Authority may amend or modify or relax any of the above provision in public interest.

General Manager (Admn) (Naeem Abid)

Sub. Deputation with PEPCO

on posting to PEPCO are required to

absorbed by PEPCO/Power Companies appropriately. observed that contrary

to policy in vogue such employees tender

requests for deputation instead of absorption. lt is added that WAPDA has limited number of posts in each cadre in post bifurcation scenario due to which maintenance of lien is not possible.

in view, it has been decided that for

purposes, deputation with PEPCO will not be allowed. Officers/Officials

being sent to PEPCO will be for permanent absorption having no lien with WAPDA.

of deputation to PEPCO, like any other

organization, will be dealt with on case to case base.

lssued vide OM No.46248450 dated 19.12.07.